JHoney honeypot

Stop the hackers before they can do real damage!

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Getting started


1. Download the latest tar.gz release package
2. Unzip the package to any directory
3. Open a terminal and go to the unzipped jhoney directory
4. Open the jhserv script in an editor
5. The variable JAVAHOME points to your Java directory. If Java is installed to a different
    folder than /usr/java/jdk1.5.0 you need to change this to the correct directory.
6. Run the install script as root.
7. The files is now installed at /usr/local/jhoney.


1. Download the latest tar.gz release package
2. Unzip the package to any directory
3. Open a terminal and go to the unzipped jhoney directory
4. Open the jhserv script in an editor
5. The variable JAVAHOME points to your Java directory. If Java is installed to a different
    folder than /usr/java/jdk1.5.0 you need to change this to the correct directory.
6. Run the install script as root.
6. Run the update script as root.
7. The files in /usr/local/jhoney is now updated.